Tiempos interesantes

Una novela del Mundodisco

328 pages

Spanish language

Published July 30, 2005 by Plaza & Janés.

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5 stars (1 review)

El Imperio más antiguo e inscrutable del Mundodisco anda algo revuelto. Con educación, eso sí. Y la culpa de todo la tienenm por este orden: un panfleto revolucionario titulado "Lo que hice en mis vacaciones..." el mago Rincewind y su fiel Equipaje... una horda de bárbaros capitaneados por un viejo héroe llamado Gengis Cohen... ... y una mariposa muy especial. ¿Quizá por eso la peor maldición que se puede echar en el refinadísimo Imperio Ágata es "Ojalá vivas en tiempos interesantes"? Esta es la historia de una revolución largamente esperada y con giros insospechados. Al fin y al cabo transcurre en el Mundodisco del genial Terry Pratchett.

8 editions

reviewed Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett

Book I wish all the western leftists would have read #59 // Rincewind’s Crescendo

5 stars

Of exploits of: - daring barbarians on a quest for something that no barbarian has quested before, - information autocrats, manipulating and defusing the protest, - lady Luck, world’s least wizzardly wizzard and… Butterflies.

“We sent the message,” said the visitor. “No one saw us.” [..] “I don’t understand, o lord,” said the visitor, whose name was Two Fire Herb.


“[..] they believe in the Great Wizzard and you want him to come here?”

“Oh, certainly. I have my…people in”—he tried the alien syllables—“Ankh-More-Pork. The one so foolishly called the Great Wizzard does exist. But, I might tell you, he is renowned for being incompetent, cowardly, and spineless. Quite proverbially so. So I think the Red Army should have their leader, don’t you? It will…raise their morale.” He smiled again. “This is politics,” he said.

“The Great Wizard will come. We sent the message, at great personal risk.”

“How …
