Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 7 months ago

Slow reader. English / French/ German / Italian.

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Bent Flyvbjerg: How Big Things Get Done (Hardcover, 2023, Crown Currency) 4 stars

The secrets to successfully planning and delivering projects on any scale—from home renovation to space …

Nice read

4 stars

This is an entertaining, easy to read and instructive book, relatively well crafted and with nice examples. The emphasis on modularity is a bit boring in the end. It has a surprising scientific aspect (to me), I didn't expect so many references.

Yukio Mishima: The Sound of Waves (2000) 5 stars

An idyllic theme of ideal love

5 stars

Well, the book is everything you can read somewhere else, and still very enjoyable. The ending is a bit surprising and I wish Mishima would have told us a little bit more about it. He's probably just being mischievous.

The themes of the island, the sea, purity qnd innocence, the work of the divers and fishermen are very nwell woven into this nice little novel.

Dubliners (Paperback, 1993, Penguin Books) 5 stars

'When you think that Dublin has been a capital for thousands of years,' James Joyce …

Nicely crafted stories - and the endings....

5 stars

The stories are great, ironic, and progressing towards their endings, which are famously good. This edition is great at providing the minimum amount of context needed to understand the context and the clues to the political and social setting in Ireland.

Much, probably too much, has been written about these stories, but they're great.

Henry James: The Turn of the Screw (Penguin Popular Classics) (1998, Penguin Books) 3 stars

A very young woman's first job: governess for two weirdly beautiful, strangely distant, oddly silent …

I made the error of starting with the forewords and introductions, which are very long and extremely tedious, and seem to have been mercifully cut short by the editor.

The short stories are very nicely crafted, short in all aspects, but have very vivid characters, often creating a sense of proximity with the reader. I most probably won't read them again, but I'm glad I read them.

Heinrich von Kleist: Die Marquise Von O. / Das Erdbeben in Chili (Paperback, German language, Philipp Reclam jun. Verlag GmbH) 5 stars

Une histoire osée et sans surprise, un style fantastique

5 stars

Content warning Content warning : c'est l'histoire d'un viol. "Hier -"